The story begins on Louis Drax’s 9th birthday, when a lifetime of curious mishaps culminates in the boy’s near-fatal fall. Desperate to reveal the strange circumstances behind the young boy’s accident and dark coincidences that have plagued his entire life, Dr. Allan Pascal (Dornan) is drawn into a thrilling mystery that explores the nature of the sixth sense, testing the boundaries of fantasy and reality.
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Tag Archives: Mystery
The 9th Life of Louis Drax 2016 720p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
The story begins on Louis Drax’s 9th birthday, when a lifetime of curious mishaps culminates in the boy’s near-fatal fall. Desperate to reveal the strange circumstances behind the young boy’s accident and dark coincidences that have plagued his entire life, Dr. Allan Pascal (Dornan) is drawn into a thrilling mystery that explores the nature of the sixth sense, testing the boundaries of fantasy and reality.
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Arrival 2016 DVDScr v2 x264-TFPDL
Linguistics professor Louise Banks (Amy Adams) leads an elite team of investigators when gigantic spaceships touch down in 12 locations around the world. As nations teeter on the verge of global war, Banks and her crew must race against time to find a way to communicate with the extraterrestrial visitors. Hoping to unravel the mystery, she takes a chance that could threaten her life and quite possibly all of mankind.
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Arrival 2016 DVDScr x264-TFPDL
Linguistics professor Louise Banks (Amy Adams) leads an elite team of investigators when gigantic spaceships touch down in 12 locations around the world. As nations teeter on the verge of global war, Banks and her crew must race against time to find a way to communicate with the extraterrestrial visitors. Hoping to unravel the mystery, she takes a chance that could threaten her life and quite possibly all of mankind.
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The Summoning 2017 HDRip x264 210MB-TFPDL
When a law student uncovers chilling secrets and places her life at risk, a bitter, rough-around-the-edges detective gets assigned to her case.
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Maigret Sets A Trap 2016 480p BluRay x264-TFPDL
Over a five month period in 1955 four women are stabbed to death in Montmartre after dark, a prostitute and a midwife among them – women with nothing in common beyond being brunette. Justice minister Morel leans on chief Inspector Maigret to catch the murderer and Maigret sets a trap, using policewoman Marthe Jusserard as a decoy. She survives an attack, sartorial evidence leading to married mother’s boy Marcel Moncin, whom Maigret arrests. However whilst Moncin is in custody there is a further murder and Maigret looks to Moncin’s family to help solve the murders.
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Maigret Sets A Trap 2016 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
Over a five month period in 1955 four women are stabbed to death in Montmartre after dark, a prostitute and a midwife among them – women with nothing in common beyond being brunette. Justice minister Morel leans on chief Inspector Maigret to catch the murderer and Maigret sets a trap, using policewoman Marthe Jusserard as a decoy. She survives an attack, sartorial evidence leading to married mother’s boy Marcel Moncin, whom Maigret arrests. However whilst Moncin is in custody there is a further murder and Maigret looks to Moncin’s family to help solve the murders.
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Lost And Found 2016 480p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
Sent to spend the summer on a remote and mysterious island, teenage brothers embark on a thrilling treasure hunt to restore their family’s lost fortune.
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