MATLAB is a powerful software for students and researchers in mathematics and engineering that was first written at the University of New Mexico and Stanford in 1995 to solve problems of matrix theory, linear algebra and numerical analysis, and today hundreds Thousands of academic, academic, industrial and کاربر users in a wide variety of engineering fields such as advanced mathematics, linear algebra, telecommunications, system engineering… are familiar with MATLAB as one of the first computational and technical environments that can solve their problems. Mathematics is the common language of many engineering sciences.
OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / 7 SP1 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Processors: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
HDD: 2 GB for MATLAB only, 4–6 GB for a typical
RAM: 2GB, With Simulink, 4 GB is recommended
Graphics: No specific graphics card is required., Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
Complete installation tutorial for R2020a version of MATLAB software:
1) At the beginning of the installation, select the Use a File Installation Key option, click Yes and in the next window select the “I have the File Installation Key for my license” option. Install the software using the serial number in the key.txt file. If you do not want a server license and want to install it on your PC, please select the first license (starting with “09806”).
2) In the Select products to install section, make sure that the “Matlab Parallel Server” option is disabled.
3) After the installation, select the option “Activate manually without the Internet”. In the “Enter the full path بخش” section, click Browse to select an offline license.
4) Register the software using the license license_standalone.lic. If you do not want the license registration window to be displayed to you, you can create a folder called “licenses” in the software installation location and copy the “license_standalone.lic” file into it.
5) After installation, move the contents of the Crack folder to your software installation location. Make sure your installation location is R2020a; Then you need to copy the files in the Crack / R2020a folder to your installation folder to completely replace the crack. The Replace message with the old file must appear for you; Otherwise you have not cracked properly.
6) The key point to solve the license problem described in the 2018 version is also applicable to this version. You can run the software using the matlab.exe file.
Complete installation tutorial for R2019b version of MATLAB software:
1) Install the software using the serial number in the HOWTO file. If you do not want a server license and want to install it on your PC, please select the first license (starting with “09806”).
2) After installation, move the contents of the Crack folder to your software installation location. Make sure your installation location is R2019b; So you need to copy the files in the Crack / R2019b folder to your installation folder to completely replace the crack. The Replace message with the old file must appear for you; Otherwise you have not cracked properly.
3) Register the software using one of the licenses (License.1 or License.2 folder). For personal computers, you must select the license_standalone.lic license file.
4) The key point to solve the license problem described in the 2018 version is also applicable to this version. You can run the software using the matlab.exe file.
Comprehensive training to install updates separately:
1) First copy the R2018b_Update3_Package folder to your C drive. The folder address should be as follows:
C: / R2018b_Update3_Package
2) Copy the installer_update_fix.bat file to your software installation location. Your software installation location is this address:
C: / Program Files / MATLAB / R2018b / bin / win64
3) Run the installer_update_fix.bat file and let the installation operation take place. Then, if you wish, you can activate the software by using one of the two cracks in your download package.
Key point to fix the licensing problem in MATLAB 2018 and other versions!
If you receive a license alert while importing a license or even running software, please make sure that no license files are included in these paths. Then run the software again and enter the license if necessary:
C: / Users /% YOUR_USERNAME% / AppData / Roaming / MathWorks / MATLAB / R2018a_licenses
C: / Program Files / MATLAB / R2018a / licenses / license.dat
C: / Program Files / MATLAB / R2018a / licenses / license_standalone.lic
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