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Tag Archives: PC Software

MathWorks MATLAB R2020a + Update 5 – MATLAB software-TFPDL

MathWorks MATLAB R2020a + Update 5 - MATLAB software-TFPDL
MATLAB is a powerful software for students and researchers in mathematics and engineering that was first written at the University of New Mexico and Stanford in 1995 to solve problems of matrix theory, linear algebra and numerical analysis, and today hundreds Thousands of academic, academic, industrial and کاربر users in a wide variety of engineering fields such as advanced mathematics, linear algebra, telecommunications, system engineering… are familiar with MATLAB as one of the first computational and technical environments that can solve their problems. Mathematics is the common language of many engineering sciences.
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Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 v14.4.0.38 Windows And MacOS-TFPDL

Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 v14.4.0.38 Windows And MacOS-TFPDL
Adobe Premiere, known as Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 v13, has brought many changes and improvements for this software. Adobe Premiere October 2018 download features include selectable gradation for colors, image color management, adding and renaming and editing Lumetri accesses, opening Premiere Rush projects in Premiere Pro environment, quality improvement and fixing Smart noise, vector graphics editing and transfer, virtual reality improvements, work-full presence for VR 180, improved project execution collaboration, and more.
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Adobe After Effects 2020 v17.1.4.37 Windows and macOS-TFPDL

Adobe After Effects 2020 v17.1.4.37 Windows and macOS-TFPDL
Adobe After Effects CC is one of the most advanced movie mixing and editing software in the world. This software is a product of the famous Adobe company, which is world-famous in the field of making multimedia software. This program is used to create special effects for many world famous films due to its various effects. In fact, the most common use of this software is special effects design, so if a filmmaker needs special effects in a part of his film, one of his options will definitely be to use this software.

Highlights of the October 2018 version of Download After Effects, released under the After Effects CC 2019 v16 version, can be used to create completely natural 3D deep transitions, use a completely new Java-based expression engine, fully responsive design, color gradation Completely customizable using Lumetri Color, image color management, improved motion graphic templates for use in Premier Pro software , a completely new learning panel for beginners, complete editing of file properties, optimization of overall performance and usage He mentioned the graphics card and VR 180 content production and its preview in the virtual reality headset.
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